Raunak comes to attend her friend’s wedding party. Hole day they made a lot of fun together. At night they all sit on rooftops together and talk about their school life. Then someone asks Raunak about Rajveer. She replied, “Who is Rajveer?” Saabi said that boy who was our classmate in 11 class. He fell in love with you.
Then the scene gets back, Rajbeer's father was a school bus driver. He demands his father to buy a cycle for him. His father said, let’s go home first, then I think about it. But Rajveer didn’t agree with his father. Then his father promised him to buy a cycle. At night his father buys a new cycle for him. Rajbeer gets happy to see it. And he starts to go to school by cycle every day. One day after lubritorium research he was going to his classroom. Then he saw Raunak dancing with her friends in a classroom. Rajbeer gets fiz outside of the door to see a beautiful girl such as Raunak. At that time Raunak’s eye gets on Rajbeer. She comes out, and asks Rajbeer, what are you doing here? Rajbeer replied, nothing! I just finished my research and I am getting back to the classroom. Then he left the place happily and he start to see Raunak everywhere, sometimes in Hil or his father’s bus or side of the road or classroom. The next day, the class teacher said, “Who didn’t do his homework they go out of class and put their hands in the air.” Rajbeer’s homework was complete but he go out. So he can see Raunak. Even he every day sees Raunak dancing. Raunak use to travel to school by Rajbeer’s father’s bus every day. Rajbeer hit upon a plan. So that can also travel by bus with Raunak. The next day according to the plan he gets a chance to go to school by bus. He was waiting for Raunak on the bus. When Raunak get on the bus he sat beside her. And he starts talking with Raunak. When Saabi get in and she told Rajbeer to go back to his sit. Rajbeer replied this is my father’s bus, I can sit anywhere. Then Saabi told to the bus driver she will change the bus. Then his father said him to go back to his sit. And he goes back.
The next day Rajbeer's father makes his cycle fixed at the mechanic shop and gives it to his son. But Rajbeer don’t this anymore. He wants to go to school by bus for Raunak. So he was trying to make this again. And his father saw it and hit him. Then ask why he did this. Rajbeer said,” I can’t handle the cycle, my leg is paining. I want to go to school by bus.” His father said, Okay you can go by bus. The class teacher again ask who did not make their homework. Rajbeer was one of them. At that time teacher punish them by Raunak. The teacher said Raunak to slap them. So Raunak starts doing this. When she slaps Rajbeer he becomes senseless. And he lay down to the soul. It was a nice scene in the movie. You should watch this at least on this screen. Then Raunak told her friends that, “ he did unconscious because of my slap.” He is not unconscious because of your slap. Something has in his mind. Rajbeer's father took him to a doctor. And the doctor said he is completely okay. Maybe he fell in love with any girl. Then his father calls his aunty at their home So that she can ask Rajbeer about that girl. At night his aunty asks him. At first, he did not say anything. But after some force, he told his aunty about Raunak. One day Raunk want to watch a movie about Jimi Sheyar Gril. But her family was very strict so she can watch. For this reason, her mood gets off. When Rajbeer knows about it. He cut his hair like that hero. And he asks Raunak to watch the movie with him. Raunak agreed to go. The next day was their movie date. But that day Rajbeer did not come to school even his father also did not come to school. Raunak was missing Rajbeer. So one day she go to Rajbeer's house to know what happen. But he discovers they are leaving their house.
Now the story turns to the present. After the wedding, Raunak comes to meet with her uncle’s family. And she saw Rajbeer there. They both get shocked. But Raunak wants to meet with him and talk with him. So she said Saabi to drop her at Rajbeer’s house. That was an emotional scene. When Raunak enters the house. She meets with Rajbeer. And talk about that day. Rajbeer said he lost his father that day. And his grandpa takes him to Rajasthan. Once she asks where is his wife. He said still now he is single. Raunak said I will find a good girl for you. And Rajbeer said I will invite you to my wedding. Then Raunak said I was waiting for you why you did not come to me. Rajbeer said I was there for you. But I saw your boyfriend. He gave you a gift. Raunak said he was Saadi’s BF. I just take this to give Saadi. Rajbeer again said I was at your wedding and I again saw that guy. He was talking with his friend. He said look at that lady. She is going to be your’s sister-in-law. Raunak said he indicate to Saadi, not me. Then they can understand one small mistake changes their life. After a few times, there was rain started. Then Raunak calls her friend Saadi to pick her up. But Saadi was busy at that time. So she said she can’t come right time. Then Rajbeer asks her to sleep over there. At night they had candle night dinner. After Raunak sees some old days' memory. In the morning Saadi picks up her. Then Raunak call her husband and said he meet with Rajbeer. She told him to come to India. Then Raunak told her husband Everything. And said she can’t live without Rajbeer anymore. Her husband accepts everything. And said she can go. Then Raunak can realize her husband also loves her more than Rajbeer. So she can’t leave her husband.
At last, she meets with Rajbeer again. And said she can’t come to him. Because her husband also loves her a lot. And said she will find a girl for Rajbeer.